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  Americano 美式咖啡

Americano is an espresso shot that is diluted to taste with hot water. Americano is recommended to new coffee enthusiasts who may find the espresso taste is too strong.


  Macchiato 瑪奇朵

The delicious, multi-layered Macchiato begins with milk steamed until it's stretched and smooth to bring out its natural sweetness and is topped by dense, creamy foam. Then rich espresso is poured over and through the foam, where it mixes with the milk and creates a brown mark on top.

美味多層的瑪奇朵一開始先加入蒸餾奶知道它變得細膩,釋放它的芳香。然後將濃厚的奶油泡沫加之其上。之後,再將大量的 espresso通過奶泡倒入杯中,直到浮現奶色和棕色的暈染。

  Espresso 意式濃縮

Espresso is loved by many coffee connoisseurs (行家) and is known as "the essence of the coffee drinking world". Espresso is made by forcing very hot water under high pressure through finely ground (細磨的) coffee.



Caffè mocha, in its most basic formulation, can also be referred to as hot chocolate with (e.g. a shot of) espresso added. They are usually topped with a dusting of either cinnamon or cocoa powder and marshmallows may also be added on top for flavor and decoration.


  Cappuccino 卡布奇諾

Cappuccino is a coffee drink which today is composed of espresso and hot milk, with the surface topped with foamed milk. Cappuccinos are most often prepared with an espresso machine.


  Latte 拿鐵

In Italy, caffè latte is almost always prepared at home, for breakfast only. The coffeeis brewed with a stovetop Moka pot and poured into a cup containing heated milk.

In the United States this beverage is sometimes referred to as a wet cappuccino.


標籤:咖啡 六款