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2017年考研英語一的篇章翻譯出自Nature,題目是Universal truths。這篇文章的理論性比較強,對於大家來説應該會感覺很有難度,大家首先要理解文章大意。


1. In physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme, and seeks a theory of everything a single generative equation for all we see。

文章上文提到,科學界一直在尋找一種通用的、放之四海而皆準的法則(universal principles)。從牛頓到達爾文的法則都試圖將一系列不同的現象(強制)歸結於某一種單一的理論框架中。然後在物理學中,有一種方法把這種統一的衝動發揮到了極致(takes this impulse for unification to its extreme,impulse for unification,就是指前面提到的,一個通行的解釋所有現象的法則,所以叫generative equation,生成等式。

在這個句子中,考點在this impulse for unification、take sth to its extreme、a theory of everything、a single generative equation等短語在這個語境中的意義,也就是説,即使這些詞彙都認識,也不能按照單詞的意思簡單疊加。take sth to its extreme把...帶到極致,a theory of everything萬物理論,a single generative equation生成性的等式。



2. Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification, for if all humans share common origins, it seems reasonable to suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings.

此句中的justification、it seems reasonable to suppose、more constrained beginnings、trace等都需要透徹的理解和謹慎的處理。首先it形式主語+不定式翻譯時要注意技巧,我們要按語序順序譯成無主語的句子。Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification, for if all humans share common origins, it seems reasonable to suppose that這裏,達爾文學似乎做出了合理的解釋,因為如果人類有共同的起源,那麼


3. To filter out what is contingent and unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex cultural behaviour arose and what guides it in evolutionary or cognitive terms.

本句中,to filter out、what is unique、what is shared、how complex cultural behavior arose、what guides it、in evolutionary or cognitive terms等的理解是翻譯該句的重點所在。由於都是略帶術語性質的詞彙,所以對於沒有相關專業知識背景的考生而言,難度比較大!這句話結構主要在於對三個what從句的理解。本題是三個what引導的從句,第一個是what引導的賓語從句,做filter out 的賓語。第二個what是介詞from的賓語,filter out A from B。第三個what是understand的賓語,和how並列。


4. The second, by Joshua Greenberg, takes a more empirical approach to universality, identifying traits (particularly in word order) shared by many languages, which are considered to represent biases that result from cognitive constraints。

本句結構比較清晰,關鍵是句子前部分單獨拿出來比較難理解,需要結合前文。這也説明了考研英語中的翻譯是閲讀理解的一部分,不是單獨的翻譯。文中的the second指the second attempt或the second effort與前文the most famous of these efforts was initiated by Chomsky相呼應,因此翻譯時應還原,否則譯文會發生歧義。此外,traits、to represent biases that result from cognitive constraints、takes a more empirical approach to universality等的理解也十分重要。


5. Chomskys grammar should show patterns of language change that are independent of the family tree or the pathway tracked through it, whereas Greenbergian universality predicts strong co-dependencies between particular types of word-order relations。

這句中理解the family tree、the pathway tracked through it、are independent of、 co-dependencies 是十分重要的。



3)co-dependencies 這個詞需要根據詞根詞綴來猜測出詞義,因為下文指出是兩者關係,所以可以翻譯為共存性。

