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徐霞客出生在一個富庶之家。受父親影響,他喜愛讀地理、探險和遊記之類的書籍。這些書籍使他從小就熱愛祖國的壯麗河山,立志要遍遊名山大川。 22歲時徐霞客開始外出旅遊。徐霞客一生遊歷中國30多年,廣泛記錄了自己的旅行。為了進行細緻的考察,他很少乘車坐船,幾乎全靠雙腳翻山越嶺。徐霞客過世後,他的旅行記錄由他人整理成《徐霞客遊記》(The Travel Diaries Xu Xiake)—書。


Xu Xiake was born in a prosperous family. Influenced by his father, he loved to read books about geography, adventure, traveling and so on. These books developed his early love of the motherland's magnificent scenery, and made him determined to travel over mountains and rivers. At the age of 22, Xu Xiake began his journey. In his lifetime, he traveled throughout China for more than 30 years, documenting his tours extensively. In order to carry out thorough investigations, he seldom traveled by carriage or boat. Instead, he took long trips on foot almost all the time, climbing mountains and hills. The records of his travels were gathered by others after his death into book The Travel Diaries Xu Xiake.


1.第3句中的“熱愛祖國的壯麗河山,立志要遍遊名山大川”,這句話裏“山”與“河/川”出現了兩次,如果都譯成 mountains和revers則因重複而顯得囉嗦,影響譯文的美感,故把其中一個“河山”譯成概念詞scenery。

2.第6句中的“廣泛記錄了自己的旅行”用現在分詞短語documenting his tours extensively作狀語,表伴隨.


4.最後一句中的“由他人整理”中的“由”是漢語被動句的標記詞,這類句子一般表示較強的被動意義,故譯作被動語態were gathered by others。相類似的標記詞還有“被、讓、給、遭、受、為......所”等等。


李 清照是中國宋代一位著名的女詞人(ci poetess)。她的詞作集稱為《漱玉詞》 (Shu Yu Lyrics),該名字來源於李清照濟南故居前的漱玉泉。李清照在孩提時期受到了良好的教育,在早年就顯示出了她的文學才華。靖康之變(Jingkang Incident)後,她和丈夫趙明誠從山東省來到江蘇省南部。無家可歸的境遇和悲慘的生活也在她後來的詩歌和詞作中有所體現。她寫出了戰爭帶給女性的災 難,也寫下了大量的愛國主義詩歌和詞作品。


Li Qingzhao was a well-known ci poetess in the Song Dynasty of China. The collection of her ci poems is called Shu Yu Lyrics, which took its name from the Shuyu Spring in front of her former residence in Jinan. Li Qingzhao had received good education when she was a child and showed her literary talent in her early years. After Jingkang Incident, she and her husband Zhao Mingclieng came to the south of Jiangsu from Shandong province. The homeless and miserable life was also revealed in her later poems and ci poems. She depicted calamities caused by wars to the women and wrote down quite a large number of patriotic poems and ci poems.


1.她的詞作集稱為《漱玉詞》,該名字來源於李清照濟南故居前的漱玉泉:“詞作集”可翻譯為 the collection of her ci poems; “《漱玉詞》”可用 Shu Yu Lyrics表示;“名字來源於”可譯為take the name from"; “故居”可用former residence表達。

2.李清照在孩提時期受到了良好的教育,在早年就顯示出了她的文學才華:“受到了良好的教育”可譯為had received good education; “文學才華可譯為 literary talent。

3.無家可歸的境遇和悲慘的生活:“無家可歸”可翻譯為homeless; “悲慘的”可用 miserable 表達。